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Adopt a Student

This is Nkumba kids Project

Nkumba kids falls under House Of Prayer community Church. It is a program that sponsors under privileged kids by providing school fees, uniforms, books, etc., as well as offering an opportunity for spiritual growth and counseling.

By making school outreaches and evangelism.

This program is run and funded by our sister churches who would love to see kids from House of Prayer Community go to school and thus the name “Nkumba Kids”. The program is strictly for needy kids and was developed to help them achieve their dreams in life. We would love to have all kids that come to our church be beneficiaries of this program, but due to the financial cash flow, we were limited to only a few of them.

Nkumba kids program is set to improve the lives of the children through a profession outlook of child development. We won’t stop at ensuring that the children attend school but are also involved in church activities which will help us assess and keep record of their growth, have one on one fellowship with each child, teach them through the word of God to endure and build resilience among others.


According to our organization policy, we want to help our students to be job creators not job seekers. That is why we advise, prepare and equip them fully in different professions.



Aid a  Shepherd Project 

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At  Shepherd's Voice Uganda, we also look out for pastors with small churches who don't get enough support from their local churches. We support them financially with their families so that they can be able to focus on the ministry without worrying so much.

Senior living assistance program is dedicated to helping old people in our communities who don't have sufficient support from their family members, we help them with simple things like groceries, to complex things like paying for their medical bills.


Senior Living Assistance Project 



Dig a Well Water Project 

There is a true saying that says, "Water is Life" but if water born diseases are given a chance to infiltrate a human body, in some cases "water can be death".

Clean water is one of the most desperate needs of the poor in communities all around the world. A lack of usable water often means disease, hunger and suffering.

Dirty rivers and streams like this one are usually are shared with animals get contaminated with unseen parasites or bacteria. Which affect the health of the families and communities greatly.


However, Your gift of a well dug-out well system like this one, solar water pumps,  water filters, and purification systems,  can prevent that, by making clean water available right in their communities.

Choose a gift below and bless a child, family or community with the gift of water, because water is life!

Give a $50 Today.

community Well $4000.00

water Filter 40.00

Church Building Project 

Church building project has been best and current endeavor for the last 6 years. we are now coming to the end of it. please participate with us to finish House Of Prayer Community Church Nkumba by donating to the cause.

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